Thursday, April 30, 2020

VBP: Final note...

There was a wonderful (but LONG) article in the New Yorker about the tale of two cities during a pandemic.

I thought it was very well written -- and fascinating.  What happened in Seattle, as compared to what happened in New York City...

There's a lesson, I'm sure....


And -- HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that I have been celebrating my Virtual Birthday Party for a solid MONTH NOW??

It has been suggested that I might have just gone too far with my VBP...but, I had to share this email.  From a woman I've never met...who is a soul sister...and I LOVE what she did in honor of my birthday...

Sun, Mar 29, 3:51 PM

Happy Birthday, Rita,

The weather in Ohio is sunny and windy - blowing away all the viruses!!  And I hope you are overwhelmed by the love and email messages you receive today!

I have read your blog almost daily for about 4-5 years (you lose track as you get older....)  And I look forward to your daily news, advice, recipes, family and grandchildren adventures - and just about anything else you write.

Today - I opened two boxes of sewing "stuff" that I packed away from my move over 30 years ago.  At the time, in 1987, I had a 2-1/2 year old and 1 year old daughters that kept me very busy - along with working part time.  So those pre-1987 projects never moved forward - understandably.  

Several days ago as I was moving things in my basement - I discovered the boxes and decided to review the contents for your birthday message.

Yesterday and today I looked at everything in those boxes - sorted what was usable for others (when the thrift stores start taking donations again), what I may do someday and what had to go to the trash. ðŸ˜¢  Sadly some stuff just has to go that direction.

It was a journey to the past - sometimes pleasant and sometimes not.  My "project in honor of Rita" made me realize some important things about myself.
I am a crafter - attempting many avenues of sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, macrame, needlework - some more successful than others - but always approached with "HOPE" that I would complete the project and it would be really nice.  

50+ years of my artistic crafting has not diminished my love of trying something new - or repeating a nice project.

And so today I purchased the supplies for a Spring Door Decor project from eBay - and can't wait to start - and finish - with all the "home time" available in the coming weeks. 

Thanks for opening the world of Rita and Iowa to me!  Keep writing.  

Happy Birthday - and I hope someone made you the Farro PB cake.


THANKS again, Gina!  Next week, I'm going to blog about all the excavating I've been doing in my own basement.  The boxes that have been  sitting under the stairs since the day we moved in -- in 1981...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

VBP: Gift from Mary

Like so many grandparents in the country right now, I've been social distancing from Lilly and Warren. And I am missing it was fun to discover these pictures on my camera yesterday. From weeks ago, the last time they were here...

They love to play board was a wet and rainy I opened a box to one of my fabulous VINTAGE games.

The kids love to draw pictures...this game will be perfect!.

The good news is -- it's in EXCELLENT CONDITION.

The bad news is -- it's from 1987., all the references in this game come from the 1980's. 30+ years before these kids were even born...So, they're supposed to draw things like....

Television shows? Miami Vice, Cagney and Lacy,Hill Street Blues...?

Music? Whitney Houston, Prince...Bruce Springsteen...

Oh oh.

This isn't going well.

So,  I told them to sift through ALL the cards until they found one they believed they could draw...

Warren read about a dozen cards, with no luck -- then he got a HUGE SMILE on his face...

And he drew this picture...
I didn't take a very good picture -- but it says "Welcome to Walmart"

He was SO PLEASED with you see it now? Can you figure it out?  IT'S SO CLEAR...

Warren could NOT BELIEVE we didn't get it. Lilly and I were stumped...the timer ran out..
I swear...I laughed so hard...and I'm STILL laughing...

Warren had NO IDEA what was so funny...but Lilly and I were both cracking up...and he knew he had done something really, really funny....

On my actual birthday, Mary Mulari sent me my favorite new picture...

When she was visiting last year, she must have taken this picture with her phone. THIS is a great picture of me, writing this blog.

I am ALWAYS sitting in my $40 Lazy-boy...with my ancient Windows 7 laptop....a blanket over my toes (this one, made by my Grandmother -- a gift when I was 16 years old)....and Frankie sleeping on the corner. (he fits perfectly).
Frankie and I are spending a lot of time -- doing EXACTLY THIS...
And, yes -- I know how lucky I am...

VBP: and zoom...

So, this morning, I was thinking about the massive changes in our lives -- and which ones are likely to be permanent...

For example -- ZOOM, GOOGLE HANGOUT, MICROSOFT Meetings, etc.  The ability to GET TOGETHER, with everybody participating...and nobody has to buy doughnuts, book a hotel or get on a plane.

This is HUGE.

Of course, it's happening EVERYWHERE.  Schools are doing it, churches in every little town. Not to mention -- television shows!!   The TODAY show, the VIEW, Watch What's Happening with Andy Cohen.  Even the AMERICAN IDOL live shows are happening in people's basements/living rooms and/or porches all over the country.

Mary Mulari's husband, Doug, was elected Mayor of Aurora, Minnesota last fall.  Like every other town or city in America -- they have been doing business out of City Hall for over 100 years.

But -- then -- BOOM -- the Coronavirus pandemic.
At last week's Saturday hangout -- Mary, Rhonda and I surprised Deanna by wearing our new NZ scarf/facemasks...

In a heartbeat, everything turned upside down. No more groups in City Hall. The Council meetings moved to the Zoom platform...committee members got together while sitting in their own homes, in front of their laptops or tablets.

My prediction is this new way of doing business will be one of the things that STICKS....

Here's another letter I received for my birthday...


Happy Birthday tomorrow. I am sad your day will not be as planned. But it will still be YOUR BIRTHDAY and reason to celebrate.

 I will be sheltering in place as I do not want to contract this virus. (I am in THAT age group you know .)

More than likely I will be working on a quilting or knitting project. I have tops cut and ready to assemble for 11 youth size quilts for our Church Quilting group. And a shawl on the needles.

My husband is craving some sweets and I do have enough supplies to make him a batch of cookies!

Maybe I can stick a candle in one to celebrate YOU.

Sending a BIG socially distance BIRTHDAY HUG. Enjoy your day in a fun family only way !



THANKS for the socially distanced hug, Carol!!  I hope you made that batch of cookies and lit one in my honor!!  

Monday, April 27, 2020

VBP: Thanks,Barb!!

At the top of the blog this morning -- I'm sending a COOKING SHOW GIFT to my friend Barb. She sent me THE MOST WONDERFUL LETTER on my birthday...but she ended it by saying she's not much of a cook.  However, the fact that she's making masks for her people (aren't we all?) -- and the way she talks about her grandchildren tells me she's a giver...and IT'S FUN TO MAKE FOOD FOR OTHER's my big tip --
MICHAEL SYMON -- does a new cooking show every day @ 5:00 on his Facebook page....
He's been doing his shows every day since the first day of NYC lockdown.  And OMG -- I AM LOVING HIM.  He's cooking in his own kitchen (or in his yard), every day -- a different dish from his childhood -- his Mom's Italian pot roast, or his Grandma's pizza...the other day he made a pierogi casserole.  His shows remind me about how much I used to enjoy Julia Child.  Just the simple act of COOKING share with people you love.
Symon is so natural and genuine -- he makes simple meals out of his pantry, or using what he can find in the market.  Last week, I delivered an entire meal to Elliott's house...(meatloaf, twice baked potatoes, roasted cauliflower..)  I've made many new things thanks to Michael Symon...homemade pasta, cavatelli,  ham gravy with biscuits...Paprikakash Chicken.  HE MAKES YOU BELIEVE ANYBODY CAN COOK delicious food!!
On my birthday -- Barb's gift to me...
Dear Rita,
I hope you get back some of the joy you send out to so many everyday via your blog.  

We've "talked" via email in the past but I'm sure you wouldn't remember.  Anyway, I read your writing every day - usually right after I read the news. I enjoy the contrast from the current situations with the insights into your very interesting life.  And these days that contrast is so very welcome!

I especially enjoy reading all the ways you engage with your grandkids - I have 6 myself, and am quite involved in their lives also.  You give me ideas for creating things with them. Can't wait to try the rock painting/distributing idea!  And last week I ordered Qwirkle for each of their families to give them a new game to try because of your recommendation.  It was a success!  I am certain that my grandkids will remember me as the Nana who was always doing crafts or sewing with them.  We are always painting something - often birdhouses and pots.  One year I had one whole wall (!) covered with fishes painted with dot paint marker.  (on paper - not directly on the wall!)  We called it the fish wall - and it was up for almost a year.  It was one of those "came out of nowhere" ideas that grew and grew.  

So today, after I listened to our fellowship's online service this morning, now I'll spend part of the day making masks - mostly for my family right now.  I absolutely appreciated the evaluation of fabrics being used for masks.  As a retired RN myself I have been hesitant to jump on board with making masks.  Besides, the elastic is impossible to obtain now.  But I use what I have, and improvise as necessary.  The first mask I made was from your improved pattern/instructions.  Much better than the other simpler mask patterns online.  Thank you for sharing both the instructions and the fabric information from your friend with the degrees in textiles.

I'm not much of a cook - I live alone so it seems rather unimportant to me usually.  But after looking at your popover recipe everyday on the side of your blog, I couldn't pass up a great popover pan at Goodwill.  I'll let you know how they turn out the next time I cook for my family!

Happiest of birthdays!  I consider you a friend.
MMWI:  227.8

Saturday, April 25, 2020

VBP: Archaelogy Dig

Here's this week's note about the's a short video about something my niece, Kelcy has been doing...

North Scott Families Social Distance Photos

 Honestly...even during this very, very, very bad time...some good things are happening!!


I've been spending a lot of time looking for one particular picture.  Which I feared was lost forever.  THEN I remembered the old blog I used to write for the Sewing and Stitchery Expo....AND THERE IT WAS -- Sandra, with her fabulous umbrella!!  And John Deer, and Rhonda Pierce, giving her the prize she won:


Here's the blog post, exactly as I wrote it -- for the show blog -- back in the day...

In 2009, we had a Sew Expo design contest. John Deere developed some embroidery designs -- and the projects were amazing. One of our favorites -- Sandra -- made this awesome umbrella. In this picture, with John Deere and Rhonda Pierce of Schmetz needles...receiving her prize...

Fast Forward. I got bit by the Zebra bug...and I was writing about it all the time. In 2010, Ann Sagawa gave me my favorite Zebra watch and a Zebra purse...and SHE had a zebra manicure!!

Last week, you heard about my Zebra ironing board cover from Judy and Chris -- the Ya Ya Stalkers...

The most amazing KARMA "zebra gift" story is about a zebra book I received at the 2011 Sewing and Stitchery Expo. I was rushing from one building to another (yes, I am capable of rushing -- in short spurts). Umbrella Sandra was in a class, and she surprised me with a zebra journal. PERFECT -- right?? Shockingly -- London actually took this picture at the MOMENT Sandra was giving me the zebra book. You can see the top of her head...I didn't even realize I HAD this picture...

Remember -- Sandra gave me the zebra book at the 2011 Sew Expo in Puyallup. I had no idea where Sandra lived. And she could have had no idea that I'd be using the Zebra book when I attended the 2011 Spring Quilt Market two months later -- in Salt Lake City...

Well -- guess what? Sandra LIVES IN Salt Lake City. And -- furthermore -- she CAME TO QUILT MARKET...

I was working in the Schmetz booth when Sandra came up to say "hello"...and I SHOWED HER THE ZEBRA BOOK...

Which had come full circle. Sandra bought it in Salt Lake City and took it with her to Puyallup to give to me. I took it back to Iowa, and two months later, it went with me to Salt Lake City. Back where it started. And, without even trying -- I bumped into the WOMAN WHO BOUGHT IT...right there in Salt Lake City...

I am telling you. It's the magic of the Zebra stripes...!! Karma is a wonderful thing...

Friday, April 24, 2020

VBP: Sandra, Part #2

Here's the thing. I am tired of making masks. I am easily bored, and I used five or six different mask patterns. I used up my elastic, then started making ties out of t-shirt strips...but I'm over it.

THIS IS THE ULTIMATE FACE COVERING.  I can make ten of these in the time it takes to make a single mask...And there are NO's only two seams...honestly -- it's comfortable, easy to wear, looks like a turtleneck when you're not wearing it as a mask...

AND EVEN THE MEN WILL WEAR THIS ONE...(cuz they look like they're in an episode of the Lone Ranger.)

I've whipped up over 20 of these facemasks...THANKS, DEANNA, for the wonderful design.  I am wearing one every day now (when I go out) -- and I've sent a batch off to my friend Kathy in Pennsylvania.  I have some advice about fabric selection -- and I will post some pictures of my latest creations next week...

Check out this link to see the directions. 


So -- who knew my Virtual Birthday Party would turn into an episode of "This Is Your Life"...!!

Actually -- it has become more like my ongoing,  personal Reality Show!! AND I AM LOVING IT...

When I shared Sandra's wonderful letter, I had a picture in my head of who she was. But I WASN'T SURE. Although, she gave me so many clues -- the photo I put in yesterday's blog was my best guess.


It would have been easy to put a face with the name if I could've found a picture of her embroidered umbrella. But I don't have access to all those Sew Expo pictures (that was two laptops ago)...

Fortunately, Sandra had some pictures -- and her embroidered umbrella is UNBELIEVABLE...

John Deer digitized some special designs for Sew Expo that year...
Putting them on AN UMBRELLA was so creative!!
It was an amazing work of art!! GREAT job, Sandra!!
Sandra also mentioned that she came to the Schmetz booth at Spring Quilt Market in Salt Lake City...
She remembered that we enjoyed eating at The Copper Onion!!
Yes, we certainly did!! The food was fantastic.
This is me and Sandra -- at Spring Quilt Market in beautiful Salt Lake City!!
I filled every single page of that zebra notebook... And -- it's been SO GREAT to reconnect, Sandra!  Thanks again for the wonderful walk down sewing-memory-lane...

I am a lucky, lucky girl...!!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

VBP: Walk Down Memory Lane!!

By the time you arrive at your 71st birthday -- you look back at your life with some perspective.   Which, in some cases, brings regret. Mostly for the things you didn't do...

But, for me, that reflection makes me realize WHAT A LUCKY, LUCKY LIFE I've had. And some of my best memories are from the Sewing and Stitchery Expo in Puyallup, Washington.
At a planning meeting! Ann Sagawa (Education) me (Marketing) Joanne Ross (Founder and Chair) and Janet York (Operations)

Many of my VBP letters came from friends I made at Sew Expo...and this one, from Sandra who lives in Salt Lake City...provided me with a very special walk down Memory Lane...

It is too bad that you can't celebrate your birthday as planned. It
sounded like a lot of fun. I read your blog every day, and really
enjoy you sharing your life so publicly. Although, with the many
thousands of people you have met over the past decades, you don't
remember me, I have had the pleasure of 'meeting' you on a number of
Sandra -- you COULD be in this picture, right?

As a way of remembering events, here is the summary:
I was a faithful watcher of Sewing with Nancy, and first heard your
name on her show.  She was such an inspiration to those of us who
wanted to know more about our favorite hobby.
She was an inspiration for all of us, Sandra...

The next few were in conjunction with Sew Expo. (A group of us from
Salt Lake City just celebrated our 26th consecutive year).

This could be Sandra's group!!  OR -- it could be some Aussies...??
The Midwest YaYa Sisters?always the first class I put on my
registration. You and Mary were such a hoot, and your ideas were
wonderful. I am sure one of your memories was the time that you and
Mary forgot you had a class, and while some of the CTA's tried to find
you, Nancy stepped in, telling 'blond jokes', until you were 'found'.
(At Caitin's, as I remember). I was in that class. 
We LOVE doing our Ya Ya Sisters schtick!!

Years later, Mary and I returned the favor -- and the Midwest Ya Ya Sisters covered a show when Nancy wasn't able...

Mary and I are excited about doing our Ya Ya show at the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show next fall...!! (fingers crossed!).
The day that you were taking pictures in room A in the Pavilion, and
one of the attendees had a 'hissy fit' about her picture being taken.
I was close enough to hear the conversation between you two, and I
really don't know what else you could have done to appease her.
was, indeed, unfortunate.

The 'Rita Stalkers' (who were at Expo again this year),
Our stalkers surprised us at Nancy's Sewing Weekend in 2016...

Mary and I -- with Judy and Chris -- our "stalkers"

and the
infamous 'Hey, Rita' bag!
Jan Potter, the maker of the famous bag!  (which I AM STILL USING)..
The charity events, which were wonderful, by the way. I miss them.
The ?wear your zebra? days.

The day I won second prize in the Create Your Own Souvenir contest,
and you took my picture with John Deere. I embroidered an umbrella,
and received the wonderful box of Schmetz needles!!
I HAVE LOOKED for hours, hoping I could find a picture of John Deere's booth and that fabulous UMBRELLA...I am quite sure it's gonna turn up!!

There have been other times when you have been in the Schmetz booth at
various quilt shows, and at Quilt Market in SL (I remember that you
really liked eating at the Copper Onion.), and we chatted briefly.

My 'sewing sisters' and I often reminisce about how much you
contributed to Expo when we attend each year.

I have read some of your book recommendations, and particularly liked
?One Summer: America 1927?. We read it for book club, and everyone
really liked it.

Although this is rather lengthy, I just wanted to share my memories of
you on your very special day. Have a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RITA!!

Book Recommendation: BearTown by Frederik Backman (wrote ?A Man Called Ove)...


WOW.  Thank you, Sandra for taking the time to remember all the times we met out there in the sewing world.  On the day I received your email, I was having a pity party because of our strange New Normal...and your email helped bring me out of my funk...

AND it gives me a chance to do this....THANK YOU, JOANNE ROSS -- for giving me the opportunity to be even a small part of Sew Expo.  Because you always saw the big picture -- the Sewing and Stitchery Expo became the largest consumer sewing show in the United States.  Wonderful classes, a jam-packed vendor floor, exciting evening events, worthwhile charity events...

And nobody had a better time than me.  GOOD JOB, YOU..!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Rare Silver Lining

....Covid 19 forced me to dust off my treadmill....and walking on it has become a regular part of my day.  I ALWAYS feel better after I've done it, and I've worked my way up to two miles a day.

This is a major accomplishment for me. AND, when we are allowed to get "back to normal" -- I am hoping this is one new habit that sticks.

Lynn asked me what kind of treadmill I have -- and here's a picture. It's a Sole F63...and I highly recommend it.

Because -- as a VERY fat girl -- I busted two treadmills before I bought the Sole F63.
You can check it out on the Sole website
In 2008, I saw a picture of myself at Elliott and Emily's wedding. I weighed 325 pounds. OMG. I started on my weight-loss journey...and many of you watched me lose 100 pounds over the next two years.

John had an inexpensive treadmill in the basement, but the minute I tried to walk on it, it would bog down...and after just a few days -- it was kaput.

Apparently -- treadmills are like sewing machines -- and you get what you pay for.  Or, maybe, 325 pounds is just TOO MUCH for a human being to weigh...


I did a little internet research, and spent $800 on a heavy-duty Horizon even had some fancy air shocks.  But, after just a year, the motor burned up.  And the company would not do a thing about it.  I remember the day we hauled it to the dump -- it looked brand new...I was SO DISAPPOINTED.

But, after that bad experience, I did A LOT OF internet research.  Which is how the Sole F63 came to live in my basement.

And -- here's the thing.  I am VERY HAPPY that I've been forced to get back up on my treadmill.  Even though I really, really miss going to the YWCA swimming pool -- I hope a daily walk on my treadmill is a habit that sticks...even when our quarantine is over...
the key is to WORK UP A SWEAT..!!

Writing about my treadmill made me wonder about what other habits America might decide to hang on to...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Steel Cut Oatmeal

Gas is LESS THAN A DOLLAR here in my neck of the woods.  Yikes.  Of course, we have stopped driving...we have no place to go...the whole country is on shut-down.  Recognizing this, many car insurance companies are giving rebates.  Liberty Mutual announced a 15% rebate...I think State Farm is doing 25%...

If you haven't been notified of a discount -- you might call your agent.  At least he still has a job, right?  You're actually helping him to look essential...


Okay -- while sharing my VBP guest emails -- OF COURSE I have to occasionally go off topic to write about food, kids, Frankensewing...whatever.

One of my favorite new things is STEEL CUT OATMEAL.

I've long been a fan of oatmeal. But, here's the thing. Steel Cut Oatmeal is to regular oatmeal as a Corvette is to a Chevette.


I bought two different packages of Steel Cut Oats.  One cost over $6...the cheaper store brand cost $3...
I cooked a batch of each...using identical pots....and THERE WAS NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL. Great. I'm perfectly happy with the generic store brand.
Cooking Steel Cut Oatmeal is very simmers for about 20 minutes
I added a chopped apple and some dried cranberries during the last 5 minutes.
Chopped apple, cranberries and walnuts.  THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING...
After it's cooked, I add a little honey...
And a LOT of cinnamon.
I let it sit in the pot, covered, until it's cool...and has absorbed all the liquid.
I love to eat it -- HOT -- with some cold milk.
Because I make a huge batch, I put some into baggies for the freezer.
I squish the bag -- so it will thaw quickly when I'm in the mood...
Honestly -- THIS IS EPIC. SOOOO delicious.