One of my core values is that a girl can't be all work and no play. (an vice versa, of course!) So -- even though I was in Seattle for the 2013 Sew Expo planning meeting -- I was careful to schedule in some FUN STUFF every single day.
It is always a joy for me to spend time with Pat Leslie. Joanne Ross worked with Pat in the Extension office for many years. Joanne's thing was textiles -- and Pat's gig was always about the FOOD... AND IT STILL IS. Here we are, AFTER a large dinner party at a local Vietnamese restaurant -- enjoying our dessert...
A couple of months ago, Pat decided she'd enjoy trying out different restaurants around Olympia -- but it's not much fun to eat out alone. She mentioned it to a few friends -- and before you know it -- THIS HAPPENED...some couples, some singles, some old, some young...WE ROCKED!!
Earlier that day, Pat and Dana and I had a wonderful seafood lunch -- AND we did some shopping at the Street Fair/Outdoor market. Believe it or not -- we found these trendy 'Fascinators"...and I am still wearing mine, back in Iowa. How about you, Dana?? WE LOOK FABULOUS...
Of course, the star of the night was THE FOOD. Oh My God. That whole day was full of delicious seafood. Maybe the best actual "seafood day" I've ever had. Dungenous crab toast?? Tuna?? AND THEN -- THIS JUMBO SHRIMP...
Our celebrity chef came out to say hello. Nim?? What was the name of the restaurant, Pat? People will be asking me for a link -- and I want them to see the menu. THE FOOD WAS AWESOME...
Hey -- in looking back at my pictures from that night -- I loved the murals in this town -- COULD THIS BE A CLUE??
Where was I? And what was the name of the restaurant and the talented chef?? Thanks for including me, Pat. Your friends are SO INTERESTING...And I knew I wasn't in Iowa when one guy (Gary?) started a sentence with, "after our house washed away in the mudslide"...
Oh, yeah. I LOVE MY LIFE. And I have a whole new thing to be grateful for.
Because Iowa doesn't have any hills to speak of -- nobody has ever lost their house to a mudslide.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
RitaLuck on Vashon Island
At 3:00, I noticed this poster in the window of the Vashon Book Store. The lecture was scheduled for THAT DAY -- at 4:00. I AM SO LUCKY...It was called "Telling Stories" -- and the speakers are all residents of Vashon Island. In just an hour -- Ellie Utelski would be sharing her story of living in the USSR during the Cold War.
Ellie told her story... After graduating from a midwestern high school -- she fell in love with a young Army officer, married and moved to California. Her husband was attending language school. After ten years of marriage -- they moved to Moscow in 1957. She had two little girls and the family lived in the American Embassy -- where every room was bugged.
She shared a few pictures of their life in the USSR. Ellie was beautiful, and her husband was a handsome young officer. Their daughters were adorable. They knew they were going to a country where virtually no goods would be available to them. No fresh fruit, no fresh milk, very few groceries...period. She was told to ship a year's worth of groceries. YIKES. And -- despite the desperate conditions in the USSR -- she had to pack "five formals" -- and her husband needed full dress uniforms, including white tie and tails.
They had to BORROW $8,000 to buy the necessary goods and clothing....Unbelievable...
Most of Ellie's story was classified until just a few years ago. The thing is -- she and her husband traveled all over Russia (either as a couple, or with another couple) -- and they were always followed. For good reason! Their mission was to collect information. Take pictures -- identify missle sites, etc. Ellie took pictures of missles being staged in Siberia -- and several months later -- those same missles were photographed in CUBA!!
SHE WAS SO FASCINATING...I could have listened to Ellie's story for days....
and it always strikes me that EVERYBODY has a story, y'know?
At one point, they were being followed into Siberia, driving a car that had to be hand cranked -- and when things started falling apart -- they ran out of gas -- and there was NEVER any gas available. It's hard to believe that in the 1960's, most of Russia did not have gas stations. People were still using horses and wagons...THAT was the frightening Super Power we were so afraid of??
Here's the thing. I don't know if I can explain what happened to me on that day on Vashon Island. But that morning -- I was feeling all brave and smug because I drove my he rental car onto the ferry!!
Because fifty years ago -- THIS WOMAN left every creature comfort behind to go to the USSR. She packed up her two babies -- and moved to a country where she didn't know a soul -- and where she could not buy milk for her babies...
I sat in that room, on that day, and I knew I was listening to a real American Hero.
Thanks again, Vashon Island for a really, really incredible day.
I arrived at the Blue Heron Art Center early enough to secure a good seat on a sturdy pew!! |
By the time Ellie started to talk - the room was JAM PACKED full of people!! Over 100 of us came to hear her fascinating story... |
She shared a few pictures of their life in the USSR. Ellie was beautiful, and her husband was a handsome young officer. Their daughters were adorable. They knew they were going to a country where virtually no goods would be available to them. No fresh fruit, no fresh milk, very few groceries...period. She was told to ship a year's worth of groceries. YIKES. And -- despite the desperate conditions in the USSR -- she had to pack "five formals" -- and her husband needed full dress uniforms, including white tie and tails.
They had to BORROW $8,000 to buy the necessary goods and clothing....Unbelievable...
Most of Ellie's story was classified until just a few years ago. The thing is -- she and her husband traveled all over Russia (either as a couple, or with another couple) -- and they were always followed. For good reason! Their mission was to collect information. Take pictures -- identify missle sites, etc. Ellie took pictures of missles being staged in Siberia -- and several months later -- those same missles were photographed in CUBA!!
SHE WAS SO FASCINATING...I could have listened to Ellie's story for days....
and it always strikes me that EVERYBODY has a story, y'know?
At one point, they were being followed into Siberia, driving a car that had to be hand cranked -- and when things started falling apart -- they ran out of gas -- and there was NEVER any gas available. It's hard to believe that in the 1960's, most of Russia did not have gas stations. People were still using horses and wagons...THAT was the frightening Super Power we were so afraid of??
Here's the thing. I don't know if I can explain what happened to me on that day on Vashon Island. But that morning -- I was feeling all brave and smug because I drove my he rental car onto the ferry!!
Because fifty years ago -- THIS WOMAN left every creature comfort behind to go to the USSR. She packed up her two babies -- and moved to a country where she didn't know a soul -- and where she could not buy milk for her babies...
I sat in that room, on that day, and I knew I was listening to a real American Hero.
Of course, I could not resist asking her to pose with the Hey Rita tote for a special picture... |
Monday, May 28, 2012
Vashon Island Art Studio Tour
Vashon Island was bigger than I expected...and everything was very lush and rich and green. As I drove north on the main road, through a canopy of green -- my first impression was that if the people who live here forgot to mow their grass for a month or so, their house would be swallowed up by their yard...
The actual town of Vashon was not a disappointment. It was EXACTLY the quaint little Main Street I'd been hoping for...
The building called "The Hardware Store" is actually a wonderful restaurant...highly recommended by one of the locals...
And I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. Youza. I ordered and enjoyed "Joe's Special". What a fabulous breakfast..and of course, the coffee was excellent. Here's a link to their menu
After breakfast, I did a little strolling around town...
But I had to get in my car to DRIVE to all the art studios that were open for the "tour" that day...there are 20 studios on the tour....painters, pottery, jewelry, woodworking artists...goodness...
This was one of my favorite stops. Wonderful sculpture, eh? It reminded me of the movie "War Horse" But I wondered what the shipping charge would be?...and I kept thinking, "how do these Vashon people get all their stuff on and off this island?"...Then it hit me. Again. If you can afford sculpture, the shipping charges aren't an issue...
When I travel alone, I am always pleasantly surprised by how many interactions I have with other people. I had so many interesting conversations on this day....with the woman on the Ferry...(she was doing a wine tasting in the grocery store and I lost her card...she should EMAIL ME so I can talk about her remarkable wine)...the guy working in the bookstore...a couple in the restaurant... many of the artists.
My day on Vashon Island was completely awesome -- but I've saved the best for last...
Really....Ritaluck strikes again.....
The building called "The Hardware Store" is actually a wonderful restaurant...highly recommended by one of the locals...
And I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. Youza. I ordered and enjoyed "Joe's Special". What a fabulous breakfast..and of course, the coffee was excellent. Here's a link to their menu
After breakfast, I did a little strolling around town...
But I had to get in my car to DRIVE to all the art studios that were open for the "tour" that day...there are 20 studios on the tour....painters, pottery, jewelry, woodworking artists...goodness...
This was one of my favorite stops. Wonderful sculpture, eh? It reminded me of the movie "War Horse" But I wondered what the shipping charge would be?...and I kept thinking, "how do these Vashon people get all their stuff on and off this island?"...Then it hit me. Again. If you can afford sculpture, the shipping charges aren't an issue...
My day on Vashon Island was completely awesome -- but I've saved the best for last...
Really....Ritaluck strikes again.....
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Finale Flops
I am right in the middle of blogging about my fabulous day of Vashon Island -- and I really am working up to my "Rita Luck" end-of-the-day-on-Vashon...
BUT -- today -- you're gonna get this instead...
I've been watching these "reality" shows for months now -- and it's all coming together in one big BLOW OUT of a week. However -- it started Sunday night with Celebrity Apprentice...and you know what a disappointment that was....ugh...
Okay -- moving on to Dancing With The Stars. Katherine Jenkins has been on the top of the leader board more times than anybody this season -- and with Mark Ballas as a partner -- she looked like a sure thing...but, of course -- that's not what happened...
But, hey -- I stilI have my "American Idol".
I feel like I'm the only person I know who actually WATCHES this show anymore (even Valerie gave up on it). But maybe the truth is, it just got so lame that nobody with any self-respect will ADMIT they watch it...Anyway -- the Finale ended up being Jessica and Phillip. NO JOSHUA??!!
(And I didn't even have Donald Trump to blame.)
But -- clearly -- Jessica is a way better singer/performer than Phillip. Even though she is only 16 years old -- she KILLS IT every time she sings. If you don't believe me -- check her out on YouTube
Whereas -- every time Phillip sings -- I find myself having flashbacks to Taylor Hicks...AND, if you are thinking, "Who's Taylor Hicks?" -- I REST MY CASE...
However -- for just a moment -- I need to put picking a winner aside -- to speak to the producers of American Idol. If you value your job -- you should listen carefully. Because Simon Cowell has left an agent working to sabotage your show. In an effort to save his imitation-show-the-X-Factor -- he is paying somebody at American Idol to make sure you make the WORST DECISIONS POSSIBLE.
Starting with -- YOU HAD YOUR FINALE ON TUESDAY NIGHT?? Seriously?? Opposite the Dancing With The Stars Finale?? WHO sold this idea? Check out their finances...Simon Cowel is PAYING THEM OFF...
Then -- for the big duets -- instead of having our beloved American Idol alum Jennifer Hudson sing the Dream Girls hit with Jessica Sanchez (I mean -- SHE DID WIN THE OSCAR for singing this song) -- no, no, no -- you decided to pair her with the over-the-hill-formerly-famous-Jennifer Holliday-the-woman-of-many-scarry-faces. WHAT?? Jennifer Holliday was so determined to OUT-sing young Jessica I thought her head was going to explode. It was terrifying...
But, hey -- that's not even the worst...
If you watched the show -- you know what I'm going to say, don't you. Sorry for the reminder -- but here it is. A picture of Fantasia Barrino singing with Joshua at the Finale. And yes, those are sequins leggings. With slits all the way up both sides...who even knew that was possible?? WHAT?? HOW??? WHY???
My bet is the same person who said, "let's do the finale on Tuesday for a change" -- went shoppping with Fantasia and told her this outfit looked fab...
As my friend Mark Lipinski said...."are there words?"....
Not really...
Back to the winner. No -- Jessica did NOT win. Even though her final song has over 5 MILLION hits on YouTube (versus 750,000 for Phillip)...she was the runner-up. It just doesn't seem possible...
Don't ask me what all this means...I am clueless. But this year, I am actually looking forward to summer re-runs...I am exhausted. I need a break...
Except that -- the very next night -- So You Think You Can Dance started a new season...
And there's a new show with Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Nettles..."Duets"....
BUT -- today -- you're gonna get this instead...
I've been watching these "reality" shows for months now -- and it's all coming together in one big BLOW OUT of a week. However -- it started Sunday night with Celebrity Apprentice...and you know what a disappointment that was....ugh...
Okay -- moving on to Dancing With The Stars. Katherine Jenkins has been on the top of the leader board more times than anybody this season -- and with Mark Ballas as a partner -- she looked like a sure thing...but, of course -- that's not what happened...
But, hey -- I stilI have my "American Idol".
I feel like I'm the only person I know who actually WATCHES this show anymore (even Valerie gave up on it). But maybe the truth is, it just got so lame that nobody with any self-respect will ADMIT they watch it...Anyway -- the Finale ended up being Jessica and Phillip. NO JOSHUA??!!
(And I didn't even have Donald Trump to blame.)
But -- clearly -- Jessica is a way better singer/performer than Phillip. Even though she is only 16 years old -- she KILLS IT every time she sings. If you don't believe me -- check her out on YouTube
Whereas -- every time Phillip sings -- I find myself having flashbacks to Taylor Hicks...AND, if you are thinking, "Who's Taylor Hicks?" -- I REST MY CASE...
However -- for just a moment -- I need to put picking a winner aside -- to speak to the producers of American Idol. If you value your job -- you should listen carefully. Because Simon Cowell has left an agent working to sabotage your show. In an effort to save his imitation-show-the-X-Factor -- he is paying somebody at American Idol to make sure you make the WORST DECISIONS POSSIBLE.
Starting with -- YOU HAD YOUR FINALE ON TUESDAY NIGHT?? Seriously?? Opposite the Dancing With The Stars Finale?? WHO sold this idea? Check out their finances...Simon Cowel is PAYING THEM OFF...
Then -- for the big duets -- instead of having our beloved American Idol alum Jennifer Hudson sing the Dream Girls hit with Jessica Sanchez (I mean -- SHE DID WIN THE OSCAR for singing this song) -- no, no, no -- you decided to pair her with the over-the-hill-formerly-famous-Jennifer Holliday-the-woman-of-many-scarry-faces. WHAT?? Jennifer Holliday was so determined to OUT-sing young Jessica I thought her head was going to explode. It was terrifying...
But, hey -- that's not even the worst...
If you watched the show -- you know what I'm going to say, don't you. Sorry for the reminder -- but here it is. A picture of Fantasia Barrino singing with Joshua at the Finale. And yes, those are sequins leggings. With slits all the way up both sides...who even knew that was possible?? WHAT?? HOW??? WHY???
My bet is the same person who said, "let's do the finale on Tuesday for a change" -- went shoppping with Fantasia and told her this outfit looked fab...
As my friend Mark Lipinski said...."are there words?"....
Not really...
Back to the winner. No -- Jessica did NOT win. Even though her final song has over 5 MILLION hits on YouTube (versus 750,000 for Phillip)...she was the runner-up. It just doesn't seem possible...
Don't ask me what all this means...I am clueless. But this year, I am actually looking forward to summer re-runs...I am exhausted. I need a break...
Except that -- the very next night -- So You Think You Can Dance started a new season...
And there's a new show with Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Nettles..."Duets"....
Friday, May 25, 2012
Rita + Ferry = LOVE, LOVE, LOVE
There's my little rental car -- crammed in with all the other vehicles. I was rushing up the steps because I only had about 30 minutes to SEE EVERYTHING on this ferry...
It is such a beautiful day. I have this huge sense of when I was 8 years old and woke up on Christmas morning...
There were bicycle racks on the first level...that made perfect sense. These are VERY FIT people!! |
My constant companion, the Hey Rita tote enjoyed her first ferry ride! |
AND we met some of THE MOST INTERESTING people on the ferry!! |
There were booths where you could sit and visit or enjoy a snack... |
The Ladie's Room is a part of every experience for me... |
And in NO TIME at all -- I'm driving OFF the ferry onto beautiful Vashon Island. |
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Yes -- A Ferry Ride!
I AM SO EXCITED...this is the view from the park at Fort Defiance.
I got there early -- and didn't want to look 'LIKE A TOURIST"..So I was trying to carefully watch what the other people were doing -- and, of course -- I was reading all the signs. This one gave me a chuckle...
So -- if you're NOT a Washington State Employee -- you could be beaten to a pulp and no charges will be filed? Or, for that matter -- has anybody was ever been "prosecuted to a lesser extent of the law"?? I'm just sayin'....
You can already see that I AM HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME, EH?? I parked my car and took a walk down along the pier. Remember -- I LIVE IN IOWA. These water views are a spectacular treat for me...
As the ferry approaches -- I am nervous about actually driving my little rental car on board...
But, of course, I needn't have worried. These people are trained professionals -- and they load cars on the ferries as quickly and easily as I'd shuck a bushel of sweet corn...
Although I've been on several car ferries before -- I always had a Canadian friend in charge! So I am feeling very independent and quite brave at this moment. And I am anxious to run up the stairs so I can see the view. I AM SOO EXCITED...
I got there early -- and didn't want to look 'LIKE A TOURIST"..So I was trying to carefully watch what the other people were doing -- and, of course -- I was reading all the signs. This one gave me a chuckle...
You can already see that I AM HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME, EH?? I parked my car and took a walk down along the pier. Remember -- I LIVE IN IOWA. These water views are a spectacular treat for me...
As the ferry approaches -- I am nervous about actually driving my little rental car on board...
But, of course, I needn't have worried. These people are trained professionals -- and they load cars on the ferries as quickly and easily as I'd shuck a bushel of sweet corn...
Although I've been on several car ferries before -- I always had a Canadian friend in charge! So I am feeling very independent and quite brave at this moment. And I am anxious to run up the stairs so I can see the view. I AM SOO EXCITED...
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
My Tacoma Bonus Day
My first full day in Tacoma was Sunday, May 6. Although initially, I had hoped to "hook up" with some friends who live in the area -- for one reason or another -- it did not work out. (Apparently, I'm not nearly as charming once people get to know me...)
So I found myself alone in a strange and beautiful place.
I woke up at 8:00 MY TIME. (that's 6:00 AM in Tacoma). I looked out the window at a beautiful little jewel box garden. What a stunning day. I realized what a rare gift this day was...and I was determined to do something I'd never done before!!
My usual Sunday morning ritual is to write my cousin Jackie in Oklahoma. Here's part of my email that morning,
"Dear Jackie,
I'm on my own. AND I have many wonderful choices. I could take a long leisurely walk down along the water. I have one of the most beautiful views in the world right out my window. And I DID bring my walking shoes....just in case...
I looked into going "whale watching" -- but I didn't pack a warm coat -- and it's a two hour drive. The Tacoma glass museum is very close...but it is too beautiful to be indoors. I'm dizzy with the possibilities...This is such a RARE AND WONDERFUL treat...
It would be fun to kick around one of those charming little towns in the area -- if only I could figure out WHERE AND HOW to do that. Vashon Island is having an art walk...but that would involve finding the ferry landing and driving my car on...
That's a scarry activity that I've never done before...
So -- obviously -- that's EXACTLY WHAT I SHOULD DO...
I'll let you know how my first BONUS DAY turns out!!"
So I found myself alone in a strange and beautiful place.
I woke up at 8:00 MY TIME. (that's 6:00 AM in Tacoma). I looked out the window at a beautiful little jewel box garden. What a stunning day. I realized what a rare gift this day was...and I was determined to do something I'd never done before!!
My usual Sunday morning ritual is to write my cousin Jackie in Oklahoma. Here's part of my email that morning,
"Dear Jackie,
I'm on my own. AND I have many wonderful choices. I could take a long leisurely walk down along the water. I have one of the most beautiful views in the world right out my window. And I DID bring my walking shoes....just in case...
It would be fun to kick around one of those charming little towns in the area -- if only I could figure out WHERE AND HOW to do that. Vashon Island is having an art walk...but that would involve finding the ferry landing and driving my car on...
That's a scarry activity that I've never done before...
So -- obviously -- that's EXACTLY WHAT I SHOULD DO...
I'll let you know how my first BONUS DAY turns out!!"
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
2012 Sewing Weekend
YOU HAVE BEEN SO PATIENT!! I apologize for all the blog post re-runs...and thanks again for your kind emails, assuring me that you NEVER remember READING any of them before.
I still don't know if that makes me feel better or worse...
HEY -- WERE YOU in Beaver Dam for the 2012 Sewing Weekend?? I LOVE IT THERE. This year we had stunning weather and I thought attendance was way up. It was hard to get through the racks at the warehouse...some of my favorite people were teaching there. Sue Hausmann, Alex Anderson, of course -- NANCY ZIEMAN...
Wanna meet one of my favorite Beaver Dam residents? Say hello to Deanna Springer! Here she is -- orchestrating and organizing in Nancy Zieman's office. Mary Mulari was hiding out there because she was supposed to be the "surprise guest" at Nancy's evening event. So, Deanna prepared special office spaces for us...
Can you see my desk? The little sign says, "Rita Farro's Beaver Dam Office"...and the screen saver on my PC is a slide show of area thrift shops...
Holy Cow!! I'M SUPPOSED TO WORK, DEANNA??? What's up with that??
Although we "shared" an office -- Mary's Mac computer said "Mary Mulari's Beaver Dam Office" -- and she actually had a CROWN waiting for her...
Sadly (or happily, depending on your outlook) -- neither one of us did much actual work in the office. Well, actually, I should only speak for myself. In the interest of full disclosure -- I DID NO WORK WHATSOEVER...I took some pictures (as you can see) -- and I visited with lots of people I know and love. I attended a few classes and sat in on many interesting stage shows.
AND -- OF COURSE -- I SHOPPED!! I love picking through the bargain bins of cut pieces and found some wonderful sherpa for Lilly's room, along with some beautiful zebra print fabric, and some scissors for my left-handed sister...
OH YEAH -- a wonderful time was had by all. I'd like to shout out to my new virgin-sewing-sister Kat!! HOW WAS IT? SHE attended Sewing Weekend for the first time with her mother and I am anxious for her report.
Also -- to the woman who noticed my car in the parking lot of the Beaver Dam Goodwill store (with the Iowa plates and zebra seat covers) -- WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY HELLO?? I am always excited to meet a kindred spirit...!! What treasure did you find, babe??
I still don't know if that makes me feel better or worse...
HEY -- WERE YOU in Beaver Dam for the 2012 Sewing Weekend?? I LOVE IT THERE. This year we had stunning weather and I thought attendance was way up. It was hard to get through the racks at the warehouse...some of my favorite people were teaching there. Sue Hausmann, Alex Anderson, of course -- NANCY ZIEMAN...
Can you see my desk? The little sign says, "Rita Farro's Beaver Dam Office"...and the screen saver on my PC is a slide show of area thrift shops...
Holy Cow!! I'M SUPPOSED TO WORK, DEANNA??? What's up with that??
Although we "shared" an office -- Mary's Mac computer said "Mary Mulari's Beaver Dam Office" -- and she actually had a CROWN waiting for her...
Sadly (or happily, depending on your outlook) -- neither one of us did much actual work in the office. Well, actually, I should only speak for myself. In the interest of full disclosure -- I DID NO WORK WHATSOEVER...I took some pictures (as you can see) -- and I visited with lots of people I know and love. I attended a few classes and sat in on many interesting stage shows.
AND -- OF COURSE -- I SHOPPED!! I love picking through the bargain bins of cut pieces and found some wonderful sherpa for Lilly's room, along with some beautiful zebra print fabric, and some scissors for my left-handed sister...
OH YEAH -- a wonderful time was had by all. I'd like to shout out to my new virgin-sewing-sister Kat!! HOW WAS IT? SHE attended Sewing Weekend for the first time with her mother and I am anxious for her report.
Also -- to the woman who noticed my car in the parking lot of the Beaver Dam Goodwill store (with the Iowa plates and zebra seat covers) -- WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY HELLO?? I am always excited to meet a kindred spirit...!! What treasure did you find, babe??
Monday, May 21, 2012
Celebrity Apprentice Duet??
Okay -- it's official. I AM BACK IN IOWA. De-lighted to be doing the ordinary, every day things I love to do. Hanging clothes out on the line, working on this blog, cooking a nice Sunday dinner, visiting with my book clubbers...
AND watching trashy TV!!
So -- before I start blogging about my May travels -- can we talk about the Celebrity Apprentice Finale??
Donald Trump hates women. That's the only possible reason Lisa and Aubrey weren't the final two contestants. What a total rip-off...
So, obviously, I'm already disappointed with the Clay vs. Arsenio finale...but got sooo much worse....
Who was in the room when they decided to have Arsenio and Clay sing a duet??
I mean -- really -- who thought this was a good idea??!!
Clay started to sing -- then Arsenio walked out on the stage. I thought they were using the "fired contestants" as a background choir. Pretty corny, eh? But -- NOOOOO. Apparently during the commercial -- they ushered in an actual gospel choir to replace the fired contestants...
AND if you watched the show -- I'm sure you were thinking the same thing I was thinking...
Aubrey O'Day and Debbie Gibson must be TOTALLY PISSED OFF that they were not allowed to sing!!
Honestly. I was rolling on the floor laughing...this show is so many times can I use the words "ripped off"...??
But then, just when I didn't think it could get any worse -- Arsenio was declared the winner?? Really??
Was Donald Trump watching the same show I was watching??
Clay kicked his ass all night long in the final event. He raised twice as much money, his commercial was better AND his actual show was awesome...
Ivana and Marla had it right. Donald Trump is a huge disappointment and I want a divorce.
I'm pretty sure the only reason Melania can stay married to him is because she can't speak English...
AND watching trashy TV!!
So -- before I start blogging about my May travels -- can we talk about the Celebrity Apprentice Finale??
Donald Trump hates women. That's the only possible reason Lisa and Aubrey weren't the final two contestants. What a total rip-off...
So, obviously, I'm already disappointed with the Clay vs. Arsenio finale...but got sooo much worse....
Who was in the room when they decided to have Arsenio and Clay sing a duet??
I mean -- really -- who thought this was a good idea??!!
Clay started to sing -- then Arsenio walked out on the stage. I thought they were using the "fired contestants" as a background choir. Pretty corny, eh? But -- NOOOOO. Apparently during the commercial -- they ushered in an actual gospel choir to replace the fired contestants...
AND if you watched the show -- I'm sure you were thinking the same thing I was thinking...
Aubrey O'Day and Debbie Gibson must be TOTALLY PISSED OFF that they were not allowed to sing!!
Honestly. I was rolling on the floor laughing...this show is so many times can I use the words "ripped off"...??
But then, just when I didn't think it could get any worse -- Arsenio was declared the winner?? Really??
Was Donald Trump watching the same show I was watching??
Clay kicked his ass all night long in the final event. He raised twice as much money, his commercial was better AND his actual show was awesome...
Ivana and Marla had it right. Donald Trump is a huge disappointment and I want a divorce.
I'm pretty sure the only reason Melania can stay married to him is because she can't speak English...
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Amazing Chalk Art
Recently -- Mary Mulari sent me this link. Even if you've seen it before -- it is a wonderful way to start the day. Sorry for all the goofball problems I'm having with the new blogger interface...apparently what I SEE is not necessarily what YOU SEE. I went back in to edit and make the hyperlink really do want to see this guys artwork...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G...
The Amazing Art of Britain's "Chalk Guy"
To close this issue, I'm linking you to a visual feast -- a treat for
every eye, regardless of age. Bloggers all over the web have picked
up the amazing three-D images of English artist Julian Beever, aka
"The Chalk Guy," who creates his art on the sidewalks and pavements
of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia, and Belgium, according
to the website I've linked to below, which states: "Beever gives to
his drawing an anamorphous look. His images are drawn completely
deformed which give a 3D image when viewed at the right angle. See
for yourself it's amazing!"
The Amazing Art of Britain's "Chalk Guy"
To close this issue, I'm linking you to a visual feast -- a treat for
every eye, regardless of age. Bloggers all over the web have picked
up the amazing three-D images of English artist Julian Beever, aka
"The Chalk Guy," who creates his art on the sidewalks and pavements
of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia, and Belgium, according
to the website I've linked to below, which states: "Beever gives to
his drawing an anamorphous look. His images are drawn completely
deformed which give a 3D image when viewed at the right angle. See
for yourself it's amazing!"
Friday, May 18, 2012
Tabouli Salad
Even though I am technically HOME AGAIN...the days have been flying by...and I haven't had time to download my camera full of pictures. THAT is the activity that spurs new blogging for me...
And I have A LOT OF NEW STUFF -- Lilly was here for a visit, the E Team is buying a new house -- I've had some great classes the last week and met some very interesting people...But I've been so busy living my life I haven't had time to blog about it...
So this morning, when I was boiling the water for my bulgar wheat to make Tabouli Salad, I found myseslf thinking, "I wish I had time to take pictures"...and I remembered -- I ALREADY BLOGGED TABOULI. But -- hey -- that was way back in 2010 -- and maybe you missed it!!
Here's a repeat post....tomorrow I promise you something FRESH...
The great thing about COOKING is that every season brings it's own special treat...John is an enthusiastic gardner -- so in April, we enjoy fresh asparagus. And, if we're lucky -- in May the GREEN ONIONS pop out of the ground – that means THERE’S GOING TO BE TABOULI SALAD.
My mother-in-law Helen was the best cook I ever met and I never saw her use a recipe. She was Ukranian and Irish, and she married a Sicilian. She loved making ALL KINDS of food...and her version of Tabouli Salad comes from a Syrian neighbor in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
It goes something like this: (remember -- NO exact recipe)
Soak two cups of Bulgar wheat...(I put the dry wheat in a shallow pan and pour hot water over it -- until there's about 1" of water on top. Cover with plastic wrap and let soak overnight).
here's what the hard, dry wheat looks like...
To assemble the salad -- put the puffed-up soaked wheat in a clean cotton towel and squeeze out the excess moisture.
If you did it right -- you should have about 4 cups of soft wheat...
2 cups of chopped green onions (both green and white parts)
1 cup of chopped mint leaves
1 cup of chopped tomatoes
1 cup of chopped parsley
We like a LOT of garlic. (John's best garden crop...) I mince three cloves into a small amount of olive oil and microwave it on high for about 20 seconds (this step is important, and softens the garlic flavor).
Then, add the garlic/oil to maybe 3/4 olive oil, with the juice of one LARGE lemon (or two small lemons).
MIX EVERYTHING TOGETHER...the Tabouli is better if it sits for an hour or so.Here's the finished salad -- after the wheat is soft, and everything else is mixed in...
The traditional way to eat Tabouli is with grape leaves...use the grape leaf to make a little Tabouli Taco. Hey - if you don't have grape leaves -- I'm telling you -- Tabouli is PRETTY GOOD WITH TACO CHIPS, too...I'm just saying...
For at least 30 years, I have made Tabouli salad in the SPRING….and I always think about Helen Farro…
And I have A LOT OF NEW STUFF -- Lilly was here for a visit, the E Team is buying a new house -- I've had some great classes the last week and met some very interesting people...But I've been so busy living my life I haven't had time to blog about it...
So this morning, when I was boiling the water for my bulgar wheat to make Tabouli Salad, I found myseslf thinking, "I wish I had time to take pictures"...and I remembered -- I ALREADY BLOGGED TABOULI. But -- hey -- that was way back in 2010 -- and maybe you missed it!!
Here's a repeat post....tomorrow I promise you something FRESH...
The great thing about COOKING is that every season brings it's own special treat...John is an enthusiastic gardner -- so in April, we enjoy fresh asparagus. And, if we're lucky -- in May the GREEN ONIONS pop out of the ground – that means THERE’S GOING TO BE TABOULI SALAD.
My mother-in-law Helen was the best cook I ever met and I never saw her use a recipe. She was Ukranian and Irish, and she married a Sicilian. She loved making ALL KINDS of food...and her version of Tabouli Salad comes from a Syrian neighbor in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
It goes something like this: (remember -- NO exact recipe)
Soak two cups of Bulgar wheat...(I put the dry wheat in a shallow pan and pour hot water over it -- until there's about 1" of water on top. Cover with plastic wrap and let soak overnight).
here's what the hard, dry wheat looks like...
To assemble the salad -- put the puffed-up soaked wheat in a clean cotton towel and squeeze out the excess moisture.
If you did it right -- you should have about 4 cups of soft wheat...
2 cups of chopped green onions (both green and white parts)
1 cup of chopped mint leaves
1 cup of chopped tomatoes
1 cup of chopped parsley
We like a LOT of garlic. (John's best garden crop...) I mince three cloves into a small amount of olive oil and microwave it on high for about 20 seconds (this step is important, and softens the garlic flavor).
Then, add the garlic/oil to maybe 3/4 olive oil, with the juice of one LARGE lemon (or two small lemons).
MIX EVERYTHING TOGETHER...the Tabouli is better if it sits for an hour or so.Here's the finished salad -- after the wheat is soft, and everything else is mixed in...
The traditional way to eat Tabouli is with grape leaves...use the grape leaf to make a little Tabouli Taco. Hey - if you don't have grape leaves -- I'm telling you -- Tabouli is PRETTY GOOD WITH TACO CHIPS, too...I'm just saying...
For at least 30 years, I have made Tabouli salad in the SPRING….and I always think about Helen Farro…
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Home Again, Home Again
I AM HOME!! Yikes. I am always sooo happy to get home. Actually, if your life is working right -- getting home is the best part of traveling. Last week I was in Puyallup for the 2013 Planning Meeting. The "rhoddies" were in full bloom everywhere I went.
Here's the little building where we hooked up...
Of course, there are SO MANY THINGS TO DO in the Seattle/Tacma area. Like -- where is this chandelieer hanging, people?
It is the Christine Alexander Factory Outlet Store at 34210 9th Ave S Ste 101, Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 874-5570
My sister Deborah would have LOVED TO SHOP AT THIS STORE when she was in the area for the 2012 Sew Expo. We just did dnot have enough time!!
Maybe next year, Deb!! Happy Birthday, babe. You are the best. I promised some people that I wouldn't be 'blogging birthdays" any more.
But I didn't mean YOUR birthday...
Hey!! We're due for a summer sister visit, babe. Your place or mine??
Here's the little building where we hooked up...
Of course, there are SO MANY THINGS TO DO in the Seattle/Tacma area. Like -- where is this chandelieer hanging, people?
It is the Christine Alexander Factory Outlet Store at 34210 9th Ave S Ste 101, Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 874-5570
My sister Deborah would have LOVED TO SHOP AT THIS STORE when she was in the area for the 2012 Sew Expo. We just did dnot have enough time!!
Maybe next year, Deb!! Happy Birthday, babe. You are the best. I promised some people that I wouldn't be 'blogging birthdays" any more.
But I didn't mean YOUR birthday...
Hey!! We're due for a summer sister visit, babe. Your place or mine??