Monday, September 19, 2011

How Many Jackets Does Rita Have?

It has become painfully obvious that I have WAY TOO MANY CLOTHES. Yikes. When Carrie actually stacked up my black pants, she firmly told me that nobody needs 34 pair of BLACK PANTS. I reluctantly agreed to pick my favorite 10...

And she was right. Of course.

But -- here's the deal. My name is Rita and I am addicted to jackets. I have specific "show clothes" -- of course. Which always means a new jacket for each day of Sew Expo -- and I've been doing that for years. I love every one of them. This is me with Mary Mulari -- I'm wearing my 2011 Day Four Sew Expo jacket...
In my new-found spirit of "less is more" -- and in my ongoing effort to NOT becoming an episode on the "Hoarders" show -- I have been working to reorganize my house. I have sorted through tons of stuff. Old papers, business documents and magazines have been shredded or burned. Books, clothes, sewing stash, old toys, and outdated computer equipment have been donated to the Goodwill. I've made some wonderful progress. Lillian has her own room -- the new treadmill has a spacious area -- and my family can actually SEE the top of the pool table.

But what can I do with all these wonderful jackets?? In the basement, I have the off-season jackets hanging up and covered with a sheet...

One of those portable "wardrobes" is completely packed tight with fabulous jackets...some of them were photographed in my book, "Life Is Not A Dress Size" can I get rid of them?

THESE are the in-season jackets that have overflowed from the actual closet in my bedroom...

Oh-oh -- another area stuffed with Rita's-jacket-collection...

The bigger problem is that any time I see a jacket that is embroidered, or has some kind of textile detail -- if it's a bargain -- I BUY IT. If it fits me -- I BUY IT. If I think it might one day fit me -- I BUY IT. If I think I could cut it up to add the parts to another jacket that fits me -- I BUY IT.


SO -- here's the game.....did you ever play that "how many jelly beans in the jar" game? Well -- here's the Rita Jacket Game. GUESS how many jackets I own.

Because it's hard to comment on this blog (unless you are registered with gmail) -- just email me your guess. I'll give you this hint -- it is more than 50 and less than 1000.